
The question of what lies beyond the edge of the universe has plagued mankind ever since the concept of the universe was brought forth. On one frontier, just outside the outposts placed by the Guardians on Oa, lies the Ghost Sector, a forgotten region of planets ignored by the gods to whom their misplaced people pray… For now. Enter the Justice League. Well, not quite the same League helmed by the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, but the League nonetheless. Comprised of Cyborg, Starfire, Azrael, and GL Jessica Cruz, the silent cries for salvation have been answered… or have they?
Writer Joshua Williamson has crafted an intriguing story full of mystery and folklore that expands the realms of known and unknown. Allow me to expand upon this concept. Cyborg, Starfire and Azrael had each been called to the same location by different means, to the revelation they are the gods these lost civilizations worship. But who dropped the dime to reach out and touch someone? Darkseid, that’s who. The big bad of the galaxy, the guy constantly searching for the Anti-life Equation, is now orchestrating a mission of salvation? This twist is one I particularly enjoyed. However, there is a caveat accompanying the plot. This incarnation of the League is not for the casual reader. It is highly dependent upon history and knowledge of past events for any type of sense to be made. Nevertheless, if you’re not in the know and want to do a little homework, the enjoyment factor is certainly there.
One aspect that can be enjoyed without a doctorate in DC is the artwork. Artist Stjepan Sejic brings a sense of dynamic realism to the story that accentuates the narrative. By combining traditional designs with an updated sense of aesthetic, the universe becomes viable and vibrant, despite all the weird people and creatures that inhabit the region. Circling back to a previous thought, I am rather fond of how the League members are depicted as gods, as well as everything about Darkseid. One drawback, however, was the lackluster action, which was serviceable as the brick and mortar foundation, yet fell a bit short in terms of a driving force.
All in all, in the opinion of your “Righteous Reverend” Ryan, Justice League Odyssey #1 is good, but not great. The strength is not necessarily in the book itself, but what is to come. New roads have been created and it will be interesting to see what that ride brings. 3.5/5 Bibles.
-Ryan Ford


Having spent some time in the CIA, Tom King knows just a little about “even the strongest need help” and that is what he has created in Sanctuary: the secret location where the heroes in the DCU go to to get help for the constant barrage their minds and bodies take while being superheroes. Heroes in Crisis sees three storylines taking place, and King is the perfect writer for this. We get Harley Quinn and Booster Gold going at each other; we see recorded videos of the heroes going through their confessional; and then the Trinity investing the deaths of those heroes we just saw confessing (which include fan favorites Roy Harper and Wally West). The kicker in all this? Quinn and Gold think the other killed the heroes in question. So who is lying and who is telling the truth? We’ll find out. And when Batman finds the real murderer, I can only imagine the pain he’s going to inflict.
Clay Mann’s artwork is beautiful and crisp and works really well, not only with King’s writing, but also with the emotion. Now while most of the heroes that were killed weren’t that well known, DC made it a point to not only have Wally West just come back from Pre-52 to post-Rebirth, (thanks to him) but also gave Roy some big time love in Red Hood and the Outsides. What’s going to happen to Jason Todd when he realizes that his best friend was murdered? That all being said, this is a really well done first issue and it is for sure going to keep me on board for the remainder of this cross over. 4/5 Golden Bibles.
-Robert Bexar