NOTE: Episode 165 has a Special Day and Time – TUESDAY at 4PT/6CT/7EST! WrestleMania Weekend is always loaded with wrestling action figure reveals, but has it ever been THIS STACKED? Joining ATKM this week is a tremendous trio of wrasslin’ figure knowledge: returning guests Kyle Peterson, Wrestling Figure News’ Justin Kendall and the debuting Alex West Collects! We review our favorite Mattel WWE Elite & Ultimate Edition news drops from the weekend, a wrath of reveals from Ringside Collectibles — including an actual YOU CAN’T SEE ME Main Event John Cena, Becky Lynch in her X-Men Siryn get-up, a bizarrely desirable WWE x TMNT Target wave, and — best of all — an ULTIMATE GREAT MUTA!!! Hell, we might just talk about that bombshell for an hour alone. But, no, Moody’s gotta ask these boys about their favorite G.I. Joe Classified figs of the year, too. Why? Cause.. G.I. Joe.. Yo.
#ringsidecollectibles #wrestlingfigures #wrestlemaniaxl #wweelitesquad
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