
If you’ve been adulting long enough, you’ve found yourself strapped for cash and maybe surfed a few couches. Same goes for superheroes. Well, one of ‘em at least. Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man, finds himself in this exact situation.
When we find the diminutive (or gigantic, depending on the moment) hero, he is busting up an A. I. M. drug ring in the hopes of expanding his business. With the assistance of Stinger, the hero formerly known as Stature, aka Cassie Lang, aka his daughter, quick work is made though without much fanfare — or pay. Which is why Scott is living in a trailer-park anthill somewhere in Florida.
Long story short, this is the catalyst for a new insect related job about missing bees, but with a Shamalanian twist. The missing bees have been absorbed by Swarm — a former Nazi scientist who spread his consciousness across thousands of bees (naturally) — yet, he ain’t the big bad. Apparently Swarm was keeping other bug baddies at bay. Specifically Vespa, Thread, and Tusk. However, odds are these aren’t the big BIG baddies either. We’ll have to wait and see.
As far as the comic as a whole, writer Zeb Wells‘ character development was spot on, accented nicely by the artwork from Dylan Burnett. That being said, the issue did come off as a bit “popcorn”, which I personally enjoyed. Nevertheless, in the grander scheme of things, the book does not seem poised for any grander epic than a few adventures, but, all in all, the ride should be fun. 3.75/5 mini bibles.
-Ryan Ford