- ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #200 – Hey look! A Marvel comic in my Fistful of Comics! Thanks, Moody. This’ll be a blast. Okay, so “Spider-Man” is this kid who apparently got bitten by this radioactive– oh, everyone already knows that? Well sorry! I’ve never read a Spider-Man comic before! First question: Do they all typically have the weird cheat-sheet-o’-faces in the front? Granted it was a useful since everyone is out of their costumes for this issue, but why not just introduce them as they appear in the comic like DC does? Oh Marvel, you’ll catch on one day. Secondly: Miles Morales is another Spider-Man that just happened to be bitten by a genetically altered spider around the same time that Peter Parker was? And it JUST SO HAPPENED THAT PARTICULAR SPIDER GAVE HIM SPIDER POWERS? …well, obviously. Okay, so I have a lot of questions that must sound pretty basic for the average Marvel reader, but I suppose I’ll just ask Lance to explain this over the course of a few hours. I feel like I went off course a bit. Allow me to try this again…

- ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #200 (take two) – So Peter Parker’s dead, and Aunt May is doing the most unhealthy thing a grieving aunt can do by celebrating his life every year on the day of his death. At first I thought this was literally his after-funeral get-together or something, but no, they’re just getting together to eat and socialize two years after his death. Yeah, that’s healthy. Oh, and apparently this Ganke kid thought it was the perfect time to give Gwen Stacey… (who according to the cheat sheet, is Parker’s ex-girlfriend) a homemade gift. Yup, this isn’t weird at all. Well, if we look past the creepy premise of the book, I could see how if you’re familiar with the characters, it’s a nice little homage to their personalities and their connection to Parker. The most exciting pages are the last couple spreads where some of the characters describe how they imagined Peter Parker would be if he was still around. Like I said, if you get past the dark, creepy premise, it’s a nice book. And even if it’s not exactly the most ideal “first Spider-Man book ever” to read, there’s some seriously fantastic art, touchy-feely moments, and great humor. Call me Webbed. 4/5.
(Flip the page for a bonus review from Image!)