The best part of Assassin’s Creed DLC is always the hints that get dropped about the location and time period of the next game. In AC3, Tyranny of King Washington Conner talked about how his grandfather Edward was a pirate… “But that is a tale for another time,” he stated. The same can be said of this DLC pack. The hints for the next games location “is right in front of your eyes” said Ubisoft. So here is the big question…
Where, and for that matter WHEN, will the next game take place?
There are three rumors floating around the internet that take precedence over all the others. These locations are… Drum roll please… Egypt, China, and France. Both places were hinted at in the data collected by hacking in as a picture of an assassin in front of the pyramids, and even leaked footage that showed an early prototype believed originally to be a new Prince of Persia title. In Freedom Cry you get a Lions Head mast-head, a wheel made of slaves’ melted chains, and sails depicting breaking the bonds of slavery. These hints lead one to believe that the next game will take place in ancient Egypt, around the time of Moses, breaking the chains of the Pharaohs. Ubisoft even stated to “Look at the stars” when you look for the clues. The pyramids of Giza line up with the constellation Orion’s Belt. Let’s be honest, that would make for an AWESOME game. The thing is, most of the clues point to China, and one particular Assassin…

In Assassin’s Creed Embers DLC, Ezio gives Shao Jun a mysterious box, Ezio says that it “may be of use one day” and asks Shao to open it “only if she loses her way.” The small box… the small package… coincidence anyone? In the data collected from hacking, we learned that was the inventor of the Rope Dart. Also, there were references to Assassin’s Creed: Rising Phoenix. Could Shao Jun be the Chinese phoenix? There was also a reference to an Assassins Guild in China that was eliminated by the Templars. Could they have missed one, maybe the great female Chinese Assassin, who then goes on a quest of vengeance and retribution?
Or will it be set in France? Adawale’s ship the Victoire seems to point to the daughter of King Louis XV of France. She lived from 1733 – 1799. That’s when the French revolution happened people! That would easily fit into an Assassin’s Creed title. Add the fact that Freedom Cry was all about fighting the French and Liberation HD happened in the French colony of New Orleans. Talk about right in front of your face, eh Ubisoft!
Ubisoft has stated that there will be a conclusion for the Assassins Creed genre. With so many games already released, how many more can there possibly be before all of our questions are answered? What did Ezio give Shao Jun? What was in the package Adawale stole? Where will it all end? As of right now all of this is just rumor, but the evidence is there. Where and whenever the next game takes place, let’s just say this fan can’t wait to sink his hidden blades into some Templar scum (The bad ones, not the good Templar like your boy).