We’ve had THREE Marvel Legends Fanstreams in 2025 and ZERO for G.I. Joe! Yes, every episode in the past month has been prepping us for that long-awaited (seemingly ill-fated) Joe time to Hasbro shine, so let’s take a break from all that and review today’s Star Wars Fanstream and the Gamerverse-led Marvel Fanny before New York Toy Fair.
In addition to loads of toy news (including a hefty crowdfund poll from Mattel), let’s hit you with our main event: What if the Classified line had THIS MANY Snake Eyes figures revealed on one stream? Would fans be thrilled? Would they go ballistic? Would they even care? What would our reactions be if we got this many retooled/repainted versions of the brand’s #1 character?
Are Marvel fans willing to consume more of Spidey than our favorite good guy Snake?