A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 88]: Transformers: Roll Out or Hold Out?

The fans have spoken: they loved last week's "SMASH or PASS" enough to continue our Hasbro Fanstream review format with Hasbro Pulse's latest Transformers reveals. So it's ROLL OUT or HOLD OUT! https://youtu.be/da3OstSjEpE On Episode 88, Autobot expert Erick Korpi returns to ATKM to give Decepticon Bobby an assist in deciding which Legacy and Studio …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 87] – Marvel Legends: SMASH or PASS?

Welcome to (possibly) our NEWEST kinda show - SMASH or PASS!! Bobby and KJ (a.k.a. @Black Genghis) go through Hasbro's newest Marvel Legends reveals from today's Fanstream, and see if we are gonna "SMASH" the buy button on that figure OR if we are going to "PASS" on by in the toy aisle... https://youtu.be/66_nJztOCrY We …

A WRESTLING FIGURE KINDA MOOD [Episode 86] – WWE Elite Squad & All Elite Wrestling @ SDCC 2022!

And in the main event of our SDCC 2022 coverage, ATKM shoot for the 6-man tag straps with a recap of our favorite wrestling figures revealed and shown off at Comic-Con... https://youtu.be/NwSEHzlJGx0 Moody, Ryan and Fabster run down everything we caught in the Mattel and Jazwares booths-- be it the Elite or Unrivaled/Unmatched Collections, Supreme …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 85]: G.I. Joe Classified @ SDCC 2022 with Emily Bader & Lenny Panzica!

Despite this being ATKM's first Comic-Con, we've been waiting to meet and interview the Hasbro G.I. Joe brand team, Emily and Lenny, forever now and they were everything we wanted them to be and more. https://youtu.be/7KtCghscftE In addition to a victorious "Lemily"-led 60-minute Classified Comic-Con panel with tons of reveals and developments (and even free …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 82]: Marvel Legends @ SDCC 2022 with Ryan Ting & Dan Yun!

In our first ever San Diego Comic-Con, ATKM had the privilege of interviewing the Hasbro Marvel Legends brand team. Not too shabby, huh? https://youtu.be/RhuVsVfeHOs As exciting as it was for Bobby & K-Wish to ask marvelous Brand Managers Ryan Ting and Dan Yun all the tough questions, their Comic-Con panel was nearly as enticing with …