DEADLY HANDS of KUNG-FU / GLC / THE UNITED STATES of MURDER INC. [Reviews]: Carpo Tunnel Syndrome.

Always on time like Irv Gotti and Ja Rule back in the day, Guy Padre drops back in to deliver that drug you love…Muuuurdaaa…ahem, the FOC. We’re grabbing a Fistful of Comics and talkin’ (can’t help myself) Muuuurder. United States of Murder Inc. that is. Plus some other books come along for the bloody ride. …


With this week's Sunday Stash, it's time to go back...BACK TO THE FUTURE!!! Well, Future's End #0 that is. That’s right, my congregation of holy coolness, your very own master of the verbal rope-a-dope and all around pitier of fools, Guy Padre, is making a special Tuesday appearance at the site that always rocks the …

FLASH ANNUAL / RAI / SOUTHERN BASTARDS [Reviews]: Tiiiiiiiime is on my side. (Yes it is!)

Yo, yo, yo, holla if you hear me my brothers and sisters! Your one and only Guy Padre has returned to the Fistful of Comics Lair to deliver unto you some righteous and right unholy thoughts on four of this week’s hottest books to hit the racks in your local Geek Palace Supreme. Just to …

IDW PUBLISHING [WonderCon ’14]: More Than Meets the ‘I’.

Invading the land of the Mouse like DX trolling WCW back in the day, WonderCon 2014 saw every major and minor publisher hit Anaheim like a collective storm of Geek. While the collective consciousness of Marvel Comics was busy defending the House of Mouse’s turf and sharing exclusive news on their new event “We Can’t …