Marvel [Comics Reviews]: Ghosts, Goblins & Savage Land Dino’s, Oh My!

May 22nd will forever be known as "Interlude Week." Over at DC, Batman Incorporated took a breather for the Batman of Japan; Justice League's "prelude to Trinity" was more like "why is Elemental Girl here and how can we use her?"; Aquaman even exchanged writers to focus on The Others (pun, sorta kinda maybe, intended?); …

Comic Reviews: Guess this was the unannounced “Avengers Week”!

With the onslaught of internet gossip and vague blurbs on future projects from Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige this week, it's only fitting that Marvel Comics would send down an avalanche of Avengers titles at their fans. So, hey, if the studio doesn't want to make a movie about Sunfire, Spitfire, or Sunspot or whoever …

2013, Marvel’s Year of the Illuminati? Iron Man’s in Space.. So, yip.

Let's start things off right by first saying what we’re all thinking: Happy New Years! Now onto business. Just because it's 2013, doesn't mean comics are still not getting pressed and the world ended. Maybe Avengers vs. X-Men is far, far from our minds -- thank goodness -- but there's still plenty of excellent choices …