A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 31]: By the Marvel Legends of Grayskull, I Have the Turtle Power.

Whew! What a title! Welcome back to A Toy Kinda Mood, Bobby Bexar and Kevin Wish hold down the fort to bring you ALLLLL the Eternia Tea you can handle in a 45-minute video... https://youtu.be/sbsSfwnUdGU We break down the latest Masters of the Universe figures, our review on the new MOTU Revelations, the re-release of …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 29]: Major Bludd Morphin Time.

KJ and Bobby return for another Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Hasbro release, but they also had time to squeeze some G.I. Joe Classified news with the spotty releases of Major Bludd at certain Targets... https://youtu.be/Qhht2Lb1oxY How did they fare? You'll have to watch and see BUT we're pretty sure that the Yellow Ranger will have …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 27]: Hasbro Fan First Marvel Legends.

Travis and Bobby are back for the Hasbro Pulse​ #FanFirstMonday​ covering the latest Marvel Legends​ releases for Shang-Chi​ and Disney+​ lineups and their respective Build-A-Figures! With Shang-Chi, we will have to collect all the figures to complete Mr. Hyde;​ and, with The Falcon & The Winter Soldier, WandaVision, and Loki line-up, you'll "have to" collect …

A TOY KINDA MOOD [Episode 22.1]: Dioramas And Why We Love Them.

Welcome to our first ever 2-part episode. Kevin, KJ, and Fabio had so much to show and tell in the wacky wondrous world of action figure dioramas, that we broke it down into two episodes for your viewing pleasure... https://youtu.be/Z0ZhH0M_0cA Now, sit back and relax as we break down our favorite Dios​ and ACBA​ pieces …