Before jumping into the Cosmos of moving chairs and the gimmick effects that support them, I’d like to point out that watching Avengers: Infinity War in 3D is a crisp affair that adds more weight to reaction shots (one Rocket response in 3D in parficular was GREAT, Thanos is all the more menacing). Honestly, you won’t even feel like you’re watching this in 3D “just because”. That said, there’s only one other way to watch the third Avengers film until you inevitably purchase the Deluxe Ultimate Director’s Cut Edition 6 months from now and that’s become a World’s Greatest Hero yourself. Infinity War in 4DX is lit fam, and it might just light your back up too — if you’re not too careful.
(4DX review cont…) That’s not to say the process of witnessing the instant Russo brothers superhero classic in this format is agonizing. Sure, soaring in SPACE can be chilly thanks to super-pumped in AC vents (hell, the African lands of Wakanda have never felt this cold), and cats like Stephen Vincent Strange feel immersively powerful with 4DX strobe effects, and peeping Pete Parker giddity up a colossal Children of Thanos-steered ring is the thing! Swaying chairs and neon strobelights might sound like a heavy distraction, but they def add a unique web-spin to any scenes involving teleportation, levitation or magic.
I had as much fun as scare watching AIW in 4DX, physically celebrating — lightning strike complete — side-by-side with the Odinson upon smash from the Stormbreaker, as the Stark-Tech level seats actually give you a sense of scale unprecedented in cinema. Since most of the film is brilliantly quip/quip/bang, the intrusion of fog and bubbles add environmental elements, driving more passion for our caped-up pals and the ships they steer in the process.
Now, as wonderfully solemn as the seats stir during moments of tranquility (and there are a few, surprisingly in the middle, in SPACE scenes with Star-Lord and, of course, “Grimace”), I wouldn’t recommend this venture for those who have physical limitations or haven’t enjoyed immersive mechanical experiences in the past, such as Disney’s Star Tours.
While a 4DX viewing isn’t as frantic as the aforementioned, and your waistline will thank you later, you might get punched in the back while popping a kernal or two. In my experience, those GASP! moments brought more smiles of shock and awe than anger or disgust, but Thanos isn’t so much a patient man for (half of all) worthless film goers as he is for those who attempt to dismiss him from his ultimate dream.
I’m spared. Now pass me a towel and a protein bar.
Infinity War film = 5/5 Bibles
4DX experience = 4/5 Bibles
-Travis Moody