Two weeks after release, it’s finally here: GodHatesGeeks‘ Batman: Arkham Knight Podcast!

Don’t know the identity of the Arkham Knight himself yet? No worries–there are NO SPOILERS in this cast. Nothing major anyway. We don’t talk about the ending of the game, and several campaign story points are left out…yet…trust me with this one, folks, no batarang goes unturned.
This will be the best Batcast you’ll hear yet.
So, join the likes of “The Apostle” Lance Paul, “Bishop” Richard Zom, “Monsignor” Travis Moody, “Brother” Myke Ladiona, “The Dynast” Dana Keels, and, for his first-ever hosting job, “Papa Justied” Spencer Fawcett for our in-depth look into one of video game’s most important trilogies.

We also discuss where Rocksteady should go next; whether it should once again focus on The Dark Knight, reach out to his extended family, or even provide the game we’ve all been waiting for with Bruce’s other, more powerful DC patriots-in-arms. Read: A Superman game.
Come on.
As for those who finished the main story in Arkham Knight, stay tuned for a post-credits chat about who we THINK — or who we initially THOUGHT — the disturbed man in metallic black would be. Again, nothing too spoilery…but sensitive ears can freely skip this portion at the show’s send-off.
When you’re finished, feel free to either agree or question our thoughts on one of the year’s most anticipated games on Twitter @GodHatesGeeks, or drop us a line on our Facebook Fanpage!
With that, we’ve only got one way to properly send the Batmobile into the sunset, ever so gracefully…
“Happy Arkham to all, and to all a Dark Knight.”