And not one mention of Boardwalk Empire…
It’s that time of the year, ladies and gentlemen of the congregation, where the holy chapel of hot geekness lay out their top choices for movies, TV shows, comics and video games.
So join the likes of “Divine” Derek Vigeant, “Brother” Myke Ladiona, “Priestess” Eva Ceja, “Cardinal” Roberto de Bexar (via Satellite from Houston!), and your trusty host “The Monsignor” Travis Moody us for an ultimately thrilling podcast, covering all your favorite Geek — and non-geek — TV Shows from 2014 and beyond.
(Yes, we pick our Top TV Shows for 2015 too!)
And if the above SoundCloud app is giving you a hard time, feel free to download or stream the podcast from our MediaFire account.
Don’t forget to tweet YOUR best geek movie picks @GodHatesGeeks!!! Happy Holidays!