We’ve got two beautiful, intelligent authors covering kick-ass comic books. And it’s the long-awaited Sunday Stash. Let’s go!
He’s Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and talkin’ to whoever’s listenin’ out there– and I’m listenin’.
Or readin’.
First off, you should know that I’m a fan of John Carpenter. You should also know that I’m a Kurt Russell fan; but even more so you should know that I’m probably the biggest Big Trouble in Little China fan in the world!! At least in my world. When I read that John Carpenter was teaming up with Eric Powell of the GOON fame to bring me more BTiLC!, I lost my shit. I mean, it’s not a retelling or a different take on the movie; it’s a brand new fucking story, the continuing Adventures of Jack Burton and The Pork Chop Express!! So after months of anticipation and teasing from the crew at BOOM! Studios, here’s my assessment of BTiLC, Issue One.
The thing that I loved most was Powell’s take on Burton. He wrote him so perfectly, transferring his classic and cult-favored style and his mannerisms to text brilliantly…

#1 starts off exactly where the end of the movie ended nearly 30-years ago. It opens with Jack driving during a rainy night preaching those a Burtonisms via CB radio. There isn’t a recap of the the movie. So if you’re one of the sheltered few that haven’t seen it, IT’S ON NETFLIX!!!! Powell also doesn’t explain the events leading up and knows his audience. Most people picking up this new series are a fan of the movie and will have an understanding already as to what’s going on.
After decades of wondering what old Jack has been up to, and we find him traveling — demon intact on the back of the truck — back to San Fran with unresolved questions that need answers. He arrives in town just in time to see his old pal Wang tie the knot. As in true BTiLC fashion, the event gets interrupted and Jack Burton must save the day. There’s a distinct look to these classic characters, and Brian Churilla (Hellbreak) does a fantastic task of not missing the ball. Jack Burton looks like Kurt Russell which is what this Dutchess wants and how it should always be. Kurt is Jack, Jack is Kurt! The fighting scenes are full of energy and Michael Garland (Robocop: Last Stand) nails it with his distinct colors.
Fans of the movie will really enjoy this. I’ve highly recommended this to everyone coming in to my shop and we’ve sold out the issue in two days.

(Flip to Page 2 for more of our Sunday Stash from the God Damn Wu! Yes. Look down below. See.. PAAAAAGE? Yes. Click the 2. Thank you!)