NXT vs. WWE [Takeover R-Evolution Review / TLC 2014 Preview]: WRESTLING.. is back.

Maybe I can be prone to hyperbole but.. NXT Takeover: R-Evolution was objectively the best show of the year, not for NXT, but under the entire WWE banner. Feel free to debate me on that and I will win. More happened on one night at NXT R-Evolution than in the past 6-months on the main …

TALES From The BORDERLANDS / …The PRE-SEQUEL [Face-Off Review]: It Takes Two.

GEEK - Let's get this straight: Gamers are huge hypocrites. We don't accept the overabundance of QTE's (Quick Time Events, for all you noobs) in games like Ryse, Halo 4, Beyond: Two Souls, or even the otherwise awfully delightful Tomb Raider; but, as an industry, we'll go right around and give the Game of the Year …

VIDEO GAME RELEASE DATES 2015 [w/ Trailers]: The War’s On.

Between The Game Awards and this weekend's PlayStation Experience, it's been one hell of a weekend in the wacky and wild world of video games. Daughters and sons of Sony worldwide have rejoiced at the new footage of Street Fighter 5, leaving Xboners stuck in their share of Mortal Kombat X. Nathan Drake also rocked …

Battlestar Galactica / Shaft / Army of Darkness [Reviews]: Comics Get “The Treatment”

Welcome to this week's edition of The Stash, all you purveyors of comics' cache! Once again, the elite cadre of geekologists, geekolytes, geekofiles, geektranauts, and geekinators here at The Church of Cool have scoured the sluice of last week's comic book excavation and brought forth an assessment of your upcoming purchase agenda! It's ADAPTATION TIME! And …

DYING LIGHT [Preview]: Walk Among the Living, Run Among the Dead.

This...tHiS..THIS is how you make a zombie game!! After a recent disappointment with The Evil Within -- though it has grown on me a little since that review -- I was left with a void deep down in my soul that craved another encounter with the undead. Monday, I found myself face-to-face with 15-minutes of …

EXODUS – GODS and KINGS [Face-Off Review]: Moses’ Creed X.

Or, as I like to call it, Batman and Rhamses. NERD - Directed by Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Alien) this epic tale of Moses leading the Hebrew slaves from Egyptian captivity to independent freedom is certainly grandiose, accomplished by having the right man at the helm. There are elements of Exodus: Gods and Kings that take …