Archer and Armstrong / Superior Iron Man / Capt. America and the Mighty Avengers / Deep State / The Kitchen

Alright, fellow parishioners!  This week in our comics reviews we have a whole slew of Number Ones, some with new faces. Some with old faces. And some with new faces in old roles. Got it? Got it. From superhero shenanigans to the dirty, mean streets, this week has got something for everyone, no doubt. Let's …

INTERSTELLAR [Review]: Tears From Heaven.

In his first directorial effort since the conclusion of The Dark Knight Trilogy, Christopher Nolan (Memento, Inception) turns his focus to the stars. Interstellar depicts a not-too-distant future in which the earth’s ability to sustain life is quickly diminishing and society is on the verge of collapse. The story follows former NASA test pilot, Cooper …

CALL OF DUTY – ADVANCED WARFARE [Review]: Remember the Titans.

War So Advanced, You'd Swear You've Been Here Before The most recent iteration of the Call of Duty franchise, Advanced Warfare, has been generating quite a bit of buzz since it was announced-- some good, some bad. The same phrases over and over again from both fans and detractors alike; the same tired complaints of …


Amazing Spider-Man #9 is how event comics should be done. So masks off to you, Dan Slott! Like many Marvel or comic fans, I've grown tired from the seeming lack of creativity that's smothered the modern world of crossovers and gigantic events.  Since the announcement of Spider-Verse so many months back, I have been patiently waiting for …

EVOLVE / THE CREW [Alpha/Beta Face-Off]: Feed Me More!!

GodHatesGeeks was recently blessed with some closed Alpha and Beta codes for two of our most impressive games from E3 -- Evolve (out February 10, 2015) and The Crew (December 2). We bring back the fan-favorite Geek vs. Nerd face-off format for our thoughts on the aforementioned sluggers. GEEK - I'm slightly afraid that Evolve …