RINGSIDE APOSTLES [Shooting Star Press, Vol. 1]: The Next Big Thing.

Welcome everybody to GHG's first ever edition of our new weekly everything-wrasslin' column, The Shooting Star Press!!! In this feature, our beloved Ringside Apostles will be dishing out the double-clotheslines and triple-pterodactyl snap-suplexes on all of the latest wrestling news, rumors and insanity. Our first article also spotlights GHG's latest addition to the congregation: Nerdist-affiliated Wrestling …

SUPERMAN – DOOMED [Special Event Reviews]: ‘Steel’ in the Hour of Chaos.

Doomsday. In 1992, the monster was created just to kill Superman. The monster punched its way out from its tomb. And defeated the Justice League of America’s B-team and the United States Army with one hand tied behind its back. As the monster was repeatedly attacked, it’s olive-drab garb was torn and burnt away. What …

ASM2 vs…. KIRBY TRIPLE DELUXE!!??!? [Reviews]: Kirby’s ‘Lullaby’ just The Cure.

Hey, Christine here! Did you miss me? That was rhetorical; come on, even I missed me. But enough sentimentality — there are games to review! The steady influx of titles across all systems have made me a happy camper and we're getting into those sweet, summertime triple-a kickoff titles, with Wolfenstein, Mario Kart 8 and …

DEADLY HANDS of KUNG-FU / GLC / THE UNITED STATES of MURDER INC. [Reviews]: Carpo Tunnel Syndrome.

Always on time like Irv Gotti and Ja Rule back in the day, Guy Padre drops back in to deliver that drug you love…Muuuurdaaa…ahem, the FOC. We’re grabbing a Fistful of Comics and talkin’ (can’t help myself) Muuuurder. United States of Murder Inc. that is. Plus some other books come along for the bloody ride. …