THE GEEEEK AWARDS [Best Comics of 2018]: Darkseid of the Doom.

Happy holidays, geeks and geekettes. Once again, GHG is back at with our "Best Of" geek-lists for 2018, and we're starting off with the Best Comics. So enjoy the Joker fear, Infinity War gear, Mister Miracle tear, Black Hammer weird, and Christmas cheer! 1. Mister Miracle (DC Comics / Vertigo) – On the way to …

THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Episode #5]: The Holiday Games Redemption.

With Christmas just a few weeks away the rest of the Fall/Holiday gaming releases have come and gone. The Geekdom Gamescast -- "Monsignor" Travis Moody & "Brother" Myke Ladiona -- joined by James Flores (Gamesters PairofDice), break down every major release from Assassin's Creed Odyssey to the Spider-Man DLC, WWE 2K19, and some Black Ops …