E3 2016 [The Bible Scale – Dark Horse Edition]: Agents of S.H.O.C.K.

So, we covered about everything you wanted to read about from #E32016... but what about the real shockers of the show? Which games came out of nowhere this past week in LA to STEAL our hearts and STEAL the thunder from the already proven contenders? GHG's video game department adds a little "Bruce Wayne" to …

MICHAEL BIEHN / JENNIFER BLANC [Special Video]: Come With Us…

...if you... know the deal. Comicpalooza's Day 2 has come, but not yet gone.  Michael Biehn (Terminator) and his wife/partner Jennifer Blanc-Biehn (The Crow) were kind enough to sit down and discuss their new project, Hidden in the Woods, and the ramifications of Aliens and the possibility of the return of Hicks in the Alien universe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL5Xa5W1x9k   The …