E3 2016 [Preview Podcast]: Red Reverend Redemption.

If you enjoyed reading our daily "E3odus" previews of this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo, then we guaran-damn-tee you're gonna love this: why, our E3 2016 Preview Podcast! No gimmicks. No funny church names. Just 3 geeks talking Holiday 2016, 2017--and all the more likely for some--2018 video games we expect to see showcased at the …

E3 2016 [Breaking News!!]: Just When You Thought They Were Out…

They pulled Activision back in! It looks like the nearly vacant Los Angeles Convention Center is about to be reloaded. Activision Publishing, Inc. will showcase the newest innovations from the industry's leading franchises: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Destiny: Rise of Iron and Skylanders: Imaginators at the 2016 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3 Expo) beginning Tuesday, …

GHG Presents… THE PREACHERS PIT [S0104 Podcast]: You Know The Name!

You saw the movie. You watched the TV show. But what did the rest of the Congregeektion think? In our fourth episode of The Preachers' Pit, GodHatesGeeks crosses over with The Geekdom Fancast, as we discuss.. ahem.. AMC's new hit show -- hell, the inspiration for our monthly show (goddammuh!) -- Preacher, and, of course, X-Men: Apocalypse. Spoilers …