SDCC 2015 [The Bible Scale, Round III – TV!]: Hell Hath No ‘Fear’.

You know the "Divine One" is gonna be up in this mothafluffuh... but we've got some other guests too. This is how GodHatesGeeks ranks all of the TV panels we witnessed at San Diego Comic-Con 2015's famed Hall H, Ballroom 20, and 6BCF. You know how we doooooo. July 20 - Update: -Heroes Reborn -The …

NATHAN FILLION & ALAN TUDYK [Exclusive SDCC Interview/Podcast]: Men of Con.

When the cult sci-fi show Firefly was canceled after only 7-episodes on Fox a decade ago, lesser sidekick actors would have disappeared into the entertainment abyss. Alan Tudyk (Knight's Tale) could of been one of those tragi-comic fallen heroes, always in the shadow of his bigger or more successful co-star Nathan Fillion (Castle). But that …

THE E3ODUS [E3 2015 Preview, Week 6/Podcast]: ‘Born’ to fight.

With the Electronic Entertainment Expo -- E3, parishioners -- just a few days away, we're down to our final video game previews within E3odus. Better yet, we also have a PrE3 Podcast for your listening pleasure. So, join "Papa Justifid" Spencer Fawcett, "Brother" Myke Ladiona, "Saint" Patrick Obloy, and, yours truly, "Monsignor" Travis Moody for …