WONDERCON 2015 [Wrap-Up Podcast]: We talkin’ about COMICS, man.

Ahhh... WonderCon. Will we ever figure this one out? It's not quite San Diego Comic-Con; actually-- it's not even close. Yet, its presentation, panel and guest list is superior to, say, Comikaze in terms of scale and magnitude, and the Con is across from Disney, of all places. [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="4" gal_title="WonderCon 2015!"] Yet, not one …

SINFUL SOLICITS [June 2015 Comics Preview]: I Am…

Sick of reading revews? Well, we're sick of writing them! Despite our undying love for reviewing EVERY comic series in site (from Oni to Aspen to Dark Circle-- we represent!), it's time to relay those thoughts on comics we're actually looking forward to. Predictions. Opinions. Guesses. Let's break down the solicits, and see which comics …

iZOMBIE [Pilot Review] vs. THE FLASH [PayleyFest 2015]: Reverse Appetite.

It's the battle of the CW Network Comic Book Shows! Ya! That's it!Watching a new series is always something fun, but not when it sours on the tongue of being a continued slap to the face of the zombie apocalypse subculture genre...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQhzQDW4L84It hurts me to say that, right out the gate, this TV show is …

TRANSFORMERS (1986) vs. G.I. JOE (1987) [Q&A / Review]: “I’ve got better things to do tonight than die!”

Thanks to our friends at the American Cinematheque (at the world famous Egyptian Theatre) and fellow blog Dammaged Goods, your Monsignor was able to recollect 25+ years of memories last night with a double feature of The Transformers: The Movie (1986) and G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987). Yeah, I'm that damn flipping old. Good thing is, …

BEST COMICS of 2014/2015 [Podcast]: Cult of Multiversity!

Hey, so we're a little late for this one. Why? Because it's perhaps our most extensive conversation on the Best of Geekness yet. Why? Because it's Comics GODDAMMUH! Join the likes of your trusty host, the "Monsignor" Travis Moody, "The Traveling Nerd Apostle" Lance Paul, and -- live from the home of the Super Bowl, …