THE BEAUTY / AMERICATOWN / BATMAN / STRING DIVERS / ADAM.13 [Reviews]: Bombshells Over Baghdad!

"It's ladies night and the geeky feeling's right! Ohh, what a friiiiight." Because what if strong, beautiful and talented bombshells actually DID takeover a comic book-driven site (not made especially for women?) And actually didn't have to show cleavage? It would never happen right? Until now... It's GHG's weekly Fistful of Comics, and these brilliant …

DEATHSTROKE / JOHN FLOOD / MS. MARVEL / THIS DAMNED BAND / X-O MANOWAR [Reviews]: Your Annual Dose of Death (Stroke)

Top of the Sunday morning, afternoon or night to you geeks! What Sunday would be complete without an edition of the Sunday Stash? Well, we've got you covered in that department with a sampling of new comics from around the industry. Let's dig in and see which titles are worth checking out... A man without the …

STAR WARS / ISLAND / ZODIAC STARFORCE / HACKTIVIST [Reviews]: Beyond the Farthest Star.

Greetings, geeks and geekettes. This week's Fistful Of Comics, care of GodHatesGeeks, seems stuck in the outer stratosphere, with more than one title taking place out in the farthest reaches of the cosmos. We have more than one new title this week, one new title from an old, and one addition to that tale of …


I’ve gotta start with a standing slow clap of appreciation for the artwork of Ivan Reis (Aquaman) and Joe Prado (Convergence) in this comic. Every cell on every page kept me engaged and entertained, regardless of the dialog. There is one element I enjoyed and respected more than any other in this debut comic: I …

BOOK of DEATH / HAIL HYDRA / SIEGE / MERCURY HEAT / ANT-MAN [Reviews]: As hot as the surface of Mercury!

Hello, hello there, fellow geeks and geekettes. We've still got this heat to deal with, but while you're keeping cool and maybe taking a dip in the pool, we're out here working our butts off making sure you've got the best updates in the comic world...and we wouldn't want it any other way! In this …

ARCHIE / LANDO / CIVIL WAR / BLOODSTRIKE / AGE of APOCALYPSE [Fan Reviews]: Who Wants II Be A ClergyGeek, Part Too!

Just because we're still blasting out The SDCC Bible Scale out for ya, doesn't mean we aren't concerned with the week of comics THAT WAS. Here, in our second edition of "Who Wants II Be A ClergyGeek?”, GHG, once again, looks towards our very own friends, fans, and followers — our geek church-goers, if you …