We've got two beautiful, intelligent authors covering kick-ass comic books. And it's the long-awaited Sunday Stash. Let's go! BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA #1 He's Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there-- and I'm listenin'. Or readin'. First off, you should know that I'm a fan of John …

C.O.W.L. / Avengers / Star Wars – Rebel Heist [Reviews]: Labor Daze.

Continuing the "Windy City" trend of GHG topics this week -- WWE Payback, Retro Jordan kicks, Kanye Kardashian, Watch_Dogs (reviewing coming this week), Blackhawks, et al -- is the much-anticipated, brand new creator-owned comic from the scribe of Nightwing. And since the last arc in Dick Grayson's solo offering took the one time Robin (and Batman) …

MPH / TMNT 30th / INVINCIBLE [Reviews]: Ch-ch-ch-Changes!

Hey all you bare-knuckle comic book brawlers! It’s about to be another epic bout of Fistful of Comics here in the ring at the Congregation of Cool. We bring more prizefighting, no-holds-barred, bare-knuckle reviews of this weeks new releases. So, if any of you weak-chinned motherf***ers didn’t throw down your gloves at your local comics …

SUPERMAN – DOOMED [Special Event Reviews]: ‘Steel’ in the Hour of Chaos.

Doomsday. In 1992, the monster was created just to kill Superman. The monster punched its way out from its tomb. And defeated the Justice League of America’s B-team and the United States Army with one hand tied behind its back. As the monster was repeatedly attacked, it’s olive-drab garb was torn and burnt away. What …

DEADLY HANDS of KUNG-FU / GLC / THE UNITED STATES of MURDER INC. [Reviews]: Carpo Tunnel Syndrome.

Always on time like Irv Gotti and Ja Rule back in the day, Guy Padre drops back in to deliver that drug you love…Muuuurdaaa…ahem, the FOC. We’re grabbing a Fistful of Comics and talkin’ (can’t help myself) Muuuurder. United States of Murder Inc. that is. Plus some other books come along for the bloody ride. …