INFINITY [Event Review]: Almost Inhuman.

As one Marvel event closes, another always blossoms. At 44-pages, Infinity is one credible finale, thanks to the eye-pretty art of Jim Cheung (X-Force, Young Avengers) and Dustin Weaver (S.H.I.E.L.D.), and the year-long crafted mind of Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four, God is Dead). Issue #6 finishes the story of Thanos' thirst for prolicide with the final vestige of his …

BLACK SCIENCE #1 [Review]: Keep Their (severed bioelectric) Heads Ringin’…

...because it's Black Science Friday. The latest shot fired in Image Comic’s battle to rule the industry one great book at a time, is written by Rick Remender (Uncanny X-Force, Fear Agent) with art by Mateo Scalera (Secret Avengers, Dead Body Road) and vivid painted color provided by Dean White (Captain America). This is a sci-fi fan’s …

SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN #2 [Review]: Melting the Man of Steel!

In more ways than one. You see, Superman has been everywhere lately. Released on Blu Ray just a couple days ago. Feeling superiorly Unchained with Scott Snyder and Jim Lee. Playing the lead in the Injustice video game. Bickering bromance with his buddy Bruce and a batch of toy clones. Slaughtered by the hands of Ultraman. …

ARKHAM ORIGINS [Podcast]/AMAZING X-MEN #1 [Review]: Creatures of the Knight!

It’s been nearly three long and hardened years since the Demon Deacon swung his tail and babbled religious banter with foil in hand. Has the comic world really missed this so-called heart of the X-Men? Do we really need a fifth Mutant title in an already "All-New" bloated line? These are just some of the …