X-MEN: BATTLE OF THE ATOM [Event Review]: Attack of the Clones.

The church that geek built has been missing some quite "Marvelous" things lately, and for all you non-True Believers, the truth is: I have been missing my geek congregation just as much. Get ready for it. Your favorite Apostle is back. Sure, it’s been a couple of months, but I'm jumping right into the heat …

GL ANNUAL/DAMIAN [Review]: Is it ‘Lights Out’ for the ‘Son of the Bat’??!!?

Venditti has turned, flipped and screwed the Green Lantern right down to its last dying light. Now, if that's a good or bad thing with this week's Green Lantern Annual #1, that's entirely up to you. But one thing you can't argue is, this definitely ain't Geoff Johns' Green Lantern anymore! Oa's destroyed (strangely not to …

KING’S WATCH #1 [Review]: One Rolex II Rule the World!

Dn, dn, dn ,dn, dn, dn, dn, dn, Flash (and Phantom and Mandrake), a-ah, savior of the universe. Flash, a-ah, you saved every one of us. Sitting here blasting Queen, perusing retro/future websites, and learning about the real life Mandrake the Magician, Leon Mandrake, your chill Padre of the comicsphere finds himself wishing he had …

DC vs. Marvel [FACE-OFF]: It’s the ‘Battle of the’ EARTHS, ‘Forever’!

Having witnessed Marvel's Infinity pulverize DC's Trinity "War" just a mere 2-weeks ago, we're back with yet another Face-Off between the Big 2. In one corner we have GHG's resident DC man, Friar-I-want-to-be-a-Minister Gabe Carrasco, and in the other, the Giant-of-Marvel, thinks-he's-the-fairest-in-the-land-of-the-nerd, "The Apostle" Lance Paul. This week sees the DCU’s most dastardly players taking …