FBP- FEDERAL BUREAU of PHYSICS #2 [Review]: Be Calm, and Groove to the Gravity…

This month, Collider #1 becomes Federal Bureau of Physics #2? Say, what? Collider was the new Vertigo series brought to us by writer Simon Oliver (GEN 13, The Exterminators) and artist Robbi "Don't Call Me Robert" Rodriguez (Maintenance). Was, because Collider has already changed its comic title in less than a month -- perhaps an …

MOLLY DANGER, v1 [Review]: When Molly’s in the House.. OMG, Danger!

Molly Danger is a not-so-graphic novel from the mind of Brooklyn's own Jamal Igle. If you know his name, great; continue reading and skip this paragraph. If you don't know his name, then now you know.. (know). The guy has done a little bit of everything, from Supergirl to Kiss to GI Joe. My first …

DC vs. Marvel [Face-Off]: TRINITY vs. INFINITY — Not what the ‘Minister’ ordered?

DC vs. Marvel. Here we go again! (OK, so we promise a Dark Horse vs. Image vs. Boom! vs. IDW vs. Dynamite vs. Tom Cow in the near future, or something akin...) In this corner, we have the latest Marvel epic event, Infinity, which begins its run of six this week. Facing this intergalactic behemoth …