STAR WARS – THE LAST JEDI [Review]: ‘The Feels’ Strike Back.

In the interest of remaining SPOILER FREE, this review gives away nothing narratively-speaking. “This is not going to go the way you think.” These are words spoken by the great Jedi Master Luke Skywalker that perfectly sum up Star Wars, Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Picking up the mantle from J.J. Abrams, Rian Johnson helms …

THE DISASTER ARTIST [Review]: Oh, hai movie that shows how I got to say “Oh hai Mark!”

It is no secret that I love shitty movies. Not the rote, banal, soulless shit churned out cynically by studios (*coughcough* BvS *coughcough*), but films that strive so hard to be good and intellectually stimulating, but fall oh so short. I devote a semi-regular column to exploring them (which you can read on this site!). …

JUSTICE LEAGUE [Review]: Now Go Home and Get Your F***ing Mother Box.

So.. hey. Hello again. If you're expecting to read another one of my scathing reviews of DC/WB superhero film reviews, then steer elsewhere-- Justice League is a fine, enjoyable enough romp that sees great teamwork, witty banter and its fair share of "OMG!" moments. It's far.. far from perfect, and righteously so; these peeps have …