RIPTIDE [Review]: This ‘Island’ will certainly leave you.. Sinking Dead!

Dead Island: Riptide starts off with an escape. And, friends, that’s exactly what you’ll feel like doing within the first couple hours of play -- hours you will certainly never, ever get back. This weak sequel, to what was an already addictive, inventive game, is nothing less than trivial. Due to an overwhelming -- and …

DISHONORED: THE KNIFE OF DUNWALL [DLC]: I thought I ‘Daud’ a puddy tat!

With a video game landscape littered with sequels and reboots and horrendously licensed properties, it’s always a treat when original titles like Dishonored come out. And when the game is as good as Dishonored was, we gamer snobs who were just bemoaning the lack of original titles immediately proclaim with sickening levels of squee, “I …

ARROW [P/review]: CW’s edgy Superhero soap aims higher!

The CW network seems to love their superhero origin stories. At the beginning it was ”Smallville”. The former WB almost had their “Aquaman” (in fact, the pilot was filmed and is floating around out there, and I don’t mean that Jim Cameron thingy on "Entourage"). We were teased with "Grayson", about none other than the …