SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE [Review] – 42 Times The Charm.

My first words as the end credits to Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse rolled were a loud "Holy FUCK". EVERYONE in the theater heard me. Including the children. I cannot stress enough how ingenious this movie is. It makes me both giddy and extremely angry how almost inhumanly incredible every single aspect of this movie is. …

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: HONOR AMONG THIEVES [Review] – Chris Pine At His Chris Pineiest!

Sometimes a piece of media comes along that you can tell that everybody involved just had a blast making it. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is one of those films, and it shows in every single frame. The audience for this movie will definitely have as much fun watching as the cast and crew …

WRESTLEMANIA WEEKEND 2023 [Day 1 Review] – WrestleCon Supershow x Bloodsport 9 x Multiverse United.

-Blake Christian vs. Michael Oku - Very solid opener, with a good contrast of styles (high flying vs. grappling). Crowd liked both guys. Springboard 450 finish from All Heart, whose win was a surprise since he replaced Rocky Romero. - 3.25-3.5/5 -Bryan Keith/KENTA vs. Tom Lawlor/Christopher Daniels - The Fallen Angel was Lawlor's mystery tag …