NEED FOR SPEED – REMASTERED [News/Trailer]: The Return to Hot Pursuit!

Criterion Games, in collaboration with Stellar Entertainment, is reigniting the thrill of the chase and rush of the escape in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered. Launching on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on November 6 and Nintendo Switch on November 13, the game will feature enhanced visuals and cross-platform asynchronous multiplayer competition powered …

G.I. JOE – OPERATION BLACKOUT [News]: DeClassified.

Microsoft Store has revealed a special digital bundle for the upcoming G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout video game from GameMill Entertainment, available on October 13. We also get our first look at a possible Classified Series Sci-Fi action figure and new A Real American Hero-inspired repaints of Duke and Cobra Commander. Available on: Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation …

YAKUZA – LIKE A DRAGON [Release Date Trailer]: How Will You Rise?

SEGA today has announced that its Action RPG Yakuza: Like a Dragon will be launching on Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Windows 10 and Steam on November 10, 2020, aligning the release dates for all current-generation releases with the Xbox Series X | S launch date. As previously revealed, the Xbox Series X …

WWE 2K BATTLEGROUNDS [‘Battle’ Royal Review]: No! No! No!

WWE 2K Battlegrounds is so bad that it doesn't even deserve a full review. Fuck, it's bad. The only positive is the huge roster. But, surprise-- you have to unlock most of it! It does the tried-and- true "premium currency" shtick: you can unlock this with in-game currency, no problem; but it'll take you three …

THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Episode 26]: Xbox Buys Bethesda, PS5 Fallout.

After the bombshell that was Microsoft purchasing ZeniMax Media Inc. (aka Xbox buying Bethesda), we just had to come back with a quick reaction episode... So here it is, The Geekdom Gamescast's thoughts on The Big Buy and, of course, our look-back at the PS5 console fiasco and PlayStation 5 Showcase Event just hours prior. …