THE GEEKDOM GAMESCAST [Season 2, Episode 4 – Zoom Edition]: Here We Go.

Microsoft is bringing the Xbox 20/20 vision with reveal events each month for the Series X, while Sony finally unleashed some next-gen news with its the all-new PlayStation Studios (and, today, showed just what the Unreal Engine 5 can do on the PS5). Your homies Myke Ladiona and Travis Moody -- The Geekdom Gamescast! -- …

MORTAL KOMBAT 11 – AFTERMATH [Gameplay Trailer]: The Saga Kontinues…

***UPDATE*** 6/13/20 Fujin is the God of Wind and serves the Elder Gods alongside his brother, Raiden, as a Protector of Earthrealm. First playable in Mortal Kombat 4, he’s adept at inspiring goodness and heroism to conquer the forces of hatred and tyranny and fights to ensure Earthrealm’s bright future. The immortal Fujin uses his …