CALL OF DUTY – MODERN WARFARE [Face-Off Review]: The Hurt Locker.

Being the annual franchise that Call of Duty has become, it was inevitable that a year like 2018 was going to happen. Since the original Modern Warfare in 2007 raised the bar for console shooters with its explosive, blockbuster campaign the series has had to find a way to outdo itself. When the narrative, literally, …

WWE 2K20 [Review]: Will Leave You ‘Fiend’ing For Something Else.

Well this game has finally strolled down the entrance ramp and it's entered the critical squared circle with a lot of pomp and circumstance. Unfortunately, the deal, here, is that WWE 2K20 is a shoddy game. I've avoided watching and reading reviews as much as I could so as not to be biased. I mean, …