w/ “Deacon” Dana Keels
At WonderCon 2014, in the bowels of room 300ab, DC Entertainment held their annual All Access panel. Moderating duties were handled by John Cunningham, DC’s VP of Marketing. More importantly, the panel guests included, seated from left to right, Jim Lee (who needs no introduction), Jim Chadwick (Editor, DC Digital), Shelly Bond (Editor, Vertigo) and Mike Cotton (Editor, DC New 52).
You can’t have a DC panel without touching on Batman, naturally, so we’re first shown an image of the Batman 75th Anniversary logo before speaking on the imminent end of Superman Unchained. Lee spoke about Lois Lane’s prominence in the series and what Scott Snyder had wanted to include in their “Ultimate Superman Story”. We were then shown the cover of Superman #32 which marks the debut of a new creative team, Geoff Johns and… wait for it… artist John Romita Jr., making his first DC Comics debut. The simple fact that Romita Jr. is drawing the book justifies a purchase alone, let alone Johns scribing the book!

Focus was then turned to Superman: Doomed, a big crossover event that is said to be unifying titles in the New 52. Though, wasn’t that the entire point of the New 52 to set up something big in the future? Teen Titans #1 goes on sale July 16th, focusing more on the teams “Celebrity status and social media” aspect, which probably means it’ll be marketed towards the younger teen/MTV audience. Lets hope not.
After touching upon the success of Batman 66 and informing the audience that the Adam West TV series would be releasing Fall 2014 on DVD and BLU-RAY (being a classic TV afficiando, this the one bit of news I’m most personally excited for), we were shown the cover to Batman ’66 Meets the Green Hornet written by Kevin Smith. The cover art by Alex Ross (rumored to be the man who inspired Ben Affleck’s new Batcostume, but we’ll see) looks awesome, as always. On sale June 4th.
A prequel series to the Injustice comic was also teased along with a few panels from the book. On the Vertigo side of things, Shelley Bond took the mic to push the Sandman Overture (Moody’s favorite comic from last year, if I’m remembering correctly). Also announced was a new book titled Bodies that deals with a time traveling serial killer, which easily makes this Deacon the most excited he’s been for a new book in a while. Four Chapters, each in a different time period. And, as you can see, the cover art for issue 1 by Fiona Stevenson is simply gorgeous.
Lastly, Grant Morrison’s ever illusive Multiversity is to launch August 2014.
(Flip the page for our coverage on the Green Lantern Universe!)