w/ “Minister” Gabe Carrasco

Hello followers of the Church of all things Geek! Minister Gabe here, GHG’s resident DC Comics correspondent (well, assuming now that I have company, welcome to the clergy, Deacon Dana)! This past weekend, DC set up a massive Green Lantern panel over at WonderCon where they hand-selected only the best writers and artists from their plethora of Lantern-Universe titles like Green Lantern, GL Corps, GL New Guardians, Red Lanterns, Larfleeze, and the newest title which dropped last week, Sinestro!
Unfortunately, the only ones who made it to Disneyland on Saturday evening were Green Lantern writer Robert Venditti, and GL Corps artist Bernard Chang.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve mentioned before that ‘Ditti is handling Hal and the gang spectacularly, and Chang is a fantastic artist, giving us some awesome action sequences in these past few issues (not to mention handling an over 7200-character world). But if you couldn’t make this panel, here’s what you missed! Moderator Larry Ganem kicked it off with “Let’s get everyone up to speed”: Venditti thus spendt the next 50 minutes explaining every storyline from every book Green Lantern’s been in, since he took over. And once everyone “got up to speed” people asked terrible questions, and the panel promptly ended.
Projected onto a large screen hanging in the room were pages from three of the six titles that cover the GL Universe. Art that was EXCLUSIVE only to those who were… well, able to afford comics these past few weeks. Come on, DC! Is no one taking WonderCon seriously? Sinestro #1 just dropped less than a week ago, adding an entire book to an already lucrative and popular universe, and we have nothing to say about it?
The only thing Venditti was willing — or more likely able — to let out was, there will be a “big moment” in GL #31 (an ambiguous, cliche teaser for a book that comes out in about two weeks? Worth the price of my WonderCon ticket!) and “a lot of these plot lines will be resolved by the end of August”. Translation: “The story you are currently reading also has an ending.” Oh thank god! I was worried you guys were just making it up as you went along. Seriously…
(Flip the page for more of the GLU!)