This Minister could have checked out the Adventure Time panel down the hall, and just re-read my Green Lantern comics when I got home.

But easily the worst part of the panel were the questions. Now remember, this is a panel about the Green Lantern comic books. You know, the thing we just spent the past half-hour summarizing? Literally first question: “What did you guys think of the Green Lantern movie?” Yeah comic book writer and artist, what is your critical opinion of that movie that came out three years ago? Fantastic. Next question, former Wonder Woman artist Chang (and not current Wonder Woman artist Chiang) , would you want to have a completely different career in animation? You can just imagine yours truly sitting there like Family Guy’s Stewie at the Star Trek panel screaming “What the fuck!?” in the back of my head.
After ‘Ditti revealed that his own personal favorite construct with B’ox — a hand-related construct with no hands (chuckle) — luckily, one brave, clever, and strikingly handsome, life-long GL fan raised his ring-bearing hand and asked the author: “Regarding the fact that all the entities but Parallax went into the source wall, are we going to see any repercussions in the Sinestro line?” Venditti’s answer to my— err, his question? “Yes. it’s all planned out.” Hmph, insightful.
Well, thank you DC for this year’s Green Lantern panel, which should have been called: “Robert Venditti Reads the Green Lantern Wikipedia Page.” In Venditti’s defense, whenever he came close to revealing something from further than two weeks in the future, a mysterious red dot began circling his forehead. Curse you Dan DiDio!
- Venditti, who arguably may be better known for his tremendous work over at Valiant with X-O Manowar (and Moody loved his tiny run on Demon Knights as well), mentioned how he broke through the industry. “My first book was The Surrogates, but that book ended up getting adapted into a movie with Bruce Willis.” Keys open doors!
- The author also related his outlook on Green Lantern, more specifically on the actual documented leader of the corps, Hal Jordan, as one who realizes he need help from his newfound council. In the forthcoming comic crossover Uprising (hell, what’s a GL book without an event!), the universe is trying to knock all the GL’s down. Question is: How do you protect people who don’t want you around? Sounds like cops in real life, except only without any cool superhero powers. Eek.
- Ditti is also considering creating 4 new characters a book, only so “Bernard has to draw 1440 characters. I haven’t decided.” And we’re sure the man is up to task, seeing how his art style began in architecture when working as a Disney Imagineer. “Even though it’s sci-fi and an alien planet I want it to be realistic; I want authenticity,” Chang continued, “Function follows form”.