Destiny 2 had their Season 4 reveal today. But, before the reveal even started, a listing was leaked by the PlayStation Store in Australia indicating the expansion would be $21.95. Polygon noted that the Destiny 2 product page showed that players will need 105 GB of hard drive space by September 22, which is likely release date of the next major expansion.
This date was confirmed by the reveal indicating the next Destiny expansion is called Beyond Light and will take place in Jupiter’s icy moon called Europa. A location populated by the Exo race as Eramis build’s an Exo army. This expansion will also bring back the Cosmodrome from the original Destiny…
This reveal also brought viewers through a timeline of Destiny from the events of the original game in 2014 through 2022, indicating Destiny 2 is going to be supported until then. The next expansions after Beyond Light in September 2020 will be The Witch Queen in 2021 and The Lightfall in 2022. These new expansions will bring in new and old locations, but some old locations need to be removed. This process is called “The Destiny Vault” and it will rotate out old content and bring in classic raids and strikes like Sepiks Prime.
It was also confirmed that Destiny 2 will be brought to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X at no extra cost. To prelude to the new expansion, include a new dungeon called “Prophecy” will be available to play today 5pm PDT for free!
-Dee Assassina