To think, what was once eye candy in Donkey Kong is now trying to smash you or suck you into the void! There are six islands in total: jungle, underwater lost civilizations, African grasslands and frozen tundras. This time around, King Krok and his reptilian misifts aren’t around. You’ll battle all manner of arctic creatures from penguins, seals, blowfish and evil snow monkeys all the way back to Kong Island. And don’t worry; you aren’t in this alone…

DK comes packed with three different allies this time. Diddy Kong, Cranky Kong and Dixie Kong are all along for the ride, each granting a unique ability for our hero to utilize. Diddy has his patented barrel jet-pack that lets you glide across long gaps. Dixie can help you reach higher heights with her “hair flying” ability. Cranky lets you traverse through the landscapes bouncing on his cane (which is essentially useless for most parts of the game). With the diverse settings of the levels, players will have to choose which kookie Kong-ite they’re going to partner up with wisely. Selecting the right ally can be the difference between life and death in this jungle.
Speaking of life and death, you’re going to die. A lot.
Fortunately for you, there are plenty of extra lives handed out like passes to a bad comedy show– and these crazy-looking pigs that are utilized as checkpoints. Extra lives are attained by grabbing red balloons and collecting 100 bananas. You can literally get 10-15 extra lives per level. Trust me, you’re going to need them to collect all of the Kong Letters (yes, they’re back) and puzzle pieces hidden throughout the massive levels. Because let’s face it, what fun is the game if you don’t collect all those difficult to obtain extras laughing at you in your face.

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