@Dan Witt (Facebook)
RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 (Take2 Interactive/Rockstar Games – PS4, Xbox One – 2018) – Another AAA, another E3, another delay. I’m not surprised; I’m not even mad–just very, very impatient. I’ve always held Red Dead Redemption very close to my heart; it’s my favorite game of all time, and I consider it the greatest game of all time. So, it’s only natural that I find myself hoping and praying every day for something new and exciting to drop about the sequel. For sure, we are getting closer, just not close enough. It shouldn’t be any sort of news at this point — to gamers with a pulse anyway — that Rockstar and Take2’s Red Dead Redemption 2 has been delayed until Spring of 2018, not for any specific reason other than they want to ensure the game is as optimized as possible. They’re building a game from the ground up, and I have faith that it’ll be immaculate come release; but, dammit, the struggle of waiting is too real.
Here’s what we know so far: It’ll be huge, it’ll be glorious, and it’ll take place in the Old West. I’m hesitant to state that we know anything other than that, as details are murky at best. Multiple time periods for the Single Player mode? Maybe. First person and third person mode? Possibly. Much larger focus on multiplayer and retention of player base through the multiplayer mode? Very likely. It’s all rumor and conjecture at this point. From what I gather so far, however, is that Take2 Interactive isn’t planning on showcasing the game at all at E3. It could be a massive swerve, and we could end up seeing it on the Sony stage. Rockstar nebulously stated we’d learn more “in the Summer”. Whatever that means.
Check out our other E3 2017 previews:
–God of War – 5/31
–Splatoon 2 – 5/30
–Battlefield: In the Name of the Tsar – 5/30
–Middle-Earth: Shadow of War – 5/30
–Spider-Man – 5/29
–Crackdown 3 – 5/29