SPLATOON 2 (Nintendo – Switch – July 21, 2017) – It’s that time of the year again! We’re a little less than 2 weeks away from E3, and some of the year’s biggest announcements are coming up. That being said, we have so much to preview for you guys.
Enter Splatoon 2. The last time we saw the game was during the reveal of the campaign trailer. The storyline will take influence from Nintendo’s Squad Sister Stories, which sheds light on the rift between Team Marie and Team Callie after the final Splatfest event. While it’s unclear how much time has passed between the two games, the trailer begins with Squad Sister Marie, but no one seems to recognize her. Fans also catch a glimpse at some of the game’s bosses, as well as co-operative modes.
Game Producer Shintaro Sato mentioned that players will be able to “utilize” multiplayer as a way to unlock achievements in Hero Mode, and vice versa. Matchmaking voice chat will be activated in private sessoions, too.
As far as Nintendo’s plans for E3, they seem to be sticking to their normal livestream routine. Seeing that launch day is right around the corner, July 21st, Nintendo (I’m sure) will be using their press conference as a way to promote the game as much as possible (including bundle boxes, which was announced today — at least for Japanese players, for 540 yen). In addition, we can also expect a Splatoon 2 invitational tournament. High-ranked squad members will compete on June 13th at an unspecified location.
Nintendo’s E3 briefing will go live on Tuesday, June 13th at 9am PST.
Check out our other E3 2017 previews:
–Battlefield: In the Name of the Tsar – 5/30
–Middle-Earth: Shadow of War – 5/30
–Spider-Man – 5/29
–Crackdown 3 – 5/29