DAYS GONE (SIE Bend Studio – PS4 – February 22, 2019) – Sony Bend, who brought us the beloved Syphon Filter series way back on PlayStations 1 and 2, and two Uncharted games on the PlayStation Vita, finally get back into making console titles.. and their new third person open world action game has been pushed back.. but now only to February 22! Originally slated for this year, Days Gone was delayed.. but probably so they could show us this…
Since we don’t know much about the story yet, here’s what we do know: Taking place in the PNW (That’s the Pacific Northwest, folks), you play as Deacon, a biker/bounty hunter who must survive by any mean necessary. You’ll ride motorcycles, use melee, manage stealth and all manner of firearms to fight off literal hordes of Freakers — yes, another cute name for feral humans to avoid the whole being called “zombies” thing. Cool thing is, they only come out at dusk and want your protagonist since he’s not infected. Think World War Z meets I Am Legend.
Thus far, first impressions are high on this post-Apocalyptic open world shooter. The gameplay and environments look great, so let’s hope that– despite not being one of the titles mentioned as focus for Sony’s forthcoming E3 2018 presser — we at least get more details and more story. If they can make a us care about a guy with a name like Deacon St. John and breath some new life into the Zombie genre, Sony could have yet another epic-looking possible franchise in the making. Eat your heart out, Xboxer. (I say this with Cardinal peace and love because I too own an Xbox One… but, you know!)
-Gary Brooks