Hello and welcome back to the Congregation of Cool for another fun-filled edition of Fistful of Comics. I’m the “Reverend” Ryan Ford and I’ll be your spiritual guide to the new releases this week. Sitting next to me is my copilot, “Sister” Ashley Simpson. You’re all in for a treat today as this marks our FIRST EVER blog for comics. Today We’ll be reviewing Elektra #1, JLU #0 and Conan the Avenger #1 so buckle up, stow your tray tables and make sure your seats are in the full, upright and locked positions. It’s flight time.
With W. Haden Blackman (Batwoman) helming the script and Michael del Mundo (X-Men Legacy) steering the artwork, it looks like Elektra is getting her first legit run since Frank Miller. The combination of the two is like if Michelangelo did cave paintings directed by Akira Kurosawa. Make sense? Because it should. It is a beautifully composed piece of artwork that alludes to the sordid past of this covermodel assassin.
Before we get started, let’s do a roll call of classic cameos: Matt Murdock (with sunglasses, minus the red suit), Wilson Fisk (in his white suit), Bullseye, Stick, Sabretooth… Anyway, not to name drop, but… Moving on.

“The Bloodlines” story begins with the Matchmaker (cue Holly Golightly) throwing Elektra a new mission to keep her mind off the past. Ex-boyfriends who think you’re dead can have that effect. New target – Cape Crow.
But it seems she ain’t the only trained killer, after that old bird as the scaly villain The Serpent sends ol’ Bloody Lips on the same trail. With the final glorious frame, Elektra skydives into the next field of battle, the Savage Land. Overall, Blackman and del Mundo craft a brilliant work that visually tells the backstory while the dialogue sets up the future. From the first frame to the last, this series looks like could have the balls necessary to pump some life back into this character (Phrasing).

(Flip the page for two more!)