You just can’t get enough of THE STASH, can you? It’s like a saline drip of fucking abject truthfulness about the most serious subject we here at God Hates Geeks can think of: F^&$*@# COMIC BOOK REVIEWS!
In this week’s version of THE STASH we bring you three reviews of this week’s must-have, or in some cases, must-not-have, titles, so you can plan the rest of your week accordingly! And we’ve assembled this DIVINE TRIFECTA to do it:

So, buckle up, minions, while the Congregation of Cool gives you a one two punch of SUNDAY STASH!!!

Fables: A Wolf Among Us #1
The Big Bad Wolf rescues the damsel in distress. It plays out much better than you would think — a lot better.
Fables: A Wolf Among Us — Vertigo’s first digital-first series — depicts a familiar character for childhood fairy tales. But like most stories, we hear tales from only one perspective. Little Red Riding Hood was the victim. The Woodsman saves her and her grandmother.
But Matthew Sturges and David Justus (Jack of Fables; House of Mystery) craft a compact nourish-tale from the perspective of the Wolf, who could give Sam Spade a run for his money. And the Woodsmen is no Chris Hemsworth that’s for sure. He’s not dashing. He’s not dating. He’s an angry drunk. Steve Sadowski (Coffin Hill; Fairest) steep-angels pencils and the neutral color palette adds to the Wolf’s narration, completing that film noir feel.
The book is an adaptation from the video game of the same name, and it is set before Bill Willingham’s tales of the fairy tale creatures and characters exiled from their world to ours. 4.75/5 little piggies
— Matt McGrath

A long, long time ago, in a decade far, far away (1977-1986), Marvel and LucasFilm released a serialized Star Wars comic. With the LucasFilm acquisition by Disney, which also owns comic powerhouse, Marvel, it was only a matter of time before another Star Wars comic returned.
For those unsure about Disney’s involvement in anything Star Wars-related, rest assured this issue kicks ass. From the nostalgic opening crawl, to the last page, this IS Star Wars. Set between the events of Episode IV – A New Hope and Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back, this issue finds our favorite heroes of The Rebellion attempting to take out an Empire outpost.
The story, while nothing too new, is crafted with love and reverence for the source material. Jason Aaron (Thor: God of Thunder; Wolverine) captures the essence and nuance of all our favorite characters, especially Han Solo who keeps coming alive from panel to panel. Characters are beautifully illustrated with the art of John Cassaday (Uncanny Avengers; Astonishing X-Men), especially a stand-out scene rendering Vader’s ruthlessness. Put all fears aside, this issue is a home-run and this Dynast personally can’t wait for the next issue… and the one after that… and possibly the one after that. 4.5/5 stormtrooper helmets
— Dana Keels

Did you ever sit around and think to yourself, “Ya know, somebody should really make a comic book that is like an R-rated mash-up of The Dark Crystal and Lord of the Rings”?
Well, if you have, then you’re in luck, because Image Comics has you covered.
Rat Queens Special Braga #1, as brought to comic fans by Kurtis J. Wiebe (The Intrepids; Green Wake) and Tess Fowler (Charmed; Liberator), is a bizarre, violent and crude fantasy that tells the story of Braga, bastard child of the Orcs. The art is very befitting of the tale, but the story itself, which is loaded down with out-of-place F-bombs, misses the mark a touch as a stand-alone.
On the other hand, for Rat Queens fans, this is a nice little addition to the overall universe. 3/5 bibles
— Ryan Scott