When nothing more than a stopgap between Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania became the apparent topic at hand for your beloved Ringside Apostles gang this past Sunday, we decided to do things a lil’ different…
Invite #GeekSwag and throw those motherfuckin’ hands UP!
Yeah, parishioners, we talk Kanye West (and The Life of Pablo), WWE (Fastlane and Mania), review Deadpool (Bible Scores and all), and this pass week’s dreaded #ComicConGate (San Diego Comic-Con‘s ticket annual ticket disaster). With that, a would-be snoozer of a Fastlane wrap-up show became the tentatively-named “Preachers’ Pit” — only because no one else stepped up with a name (if you like it, hate it, or have any other suggestions for GHG’s new geek-variety podcast, throw all suggestions to us on Twitter).
So, join your usual wrasslin’ geeks, “Bishop” Richard Zom and “Monsignor” Travis Moody, as they are joined by the likes of fellow #GeekSwaggers “Deacon E” Esko, “Kid ” Miram Ximil — and, our newest Ringside Apostle, JaDarrel “The Belser”!

We loved this meshing of three worlds, and we hope you do too.