You read the Best TV Shows of 2015 lists, now find out WHY we put them there.
It’s your favorite geek TV gurus, good geeks of the church, with your host “Monsignor” Travis Moody (Helix, really?); “Divine” Derek Vigeant (who hasn’t found a TV show he didn’t wanna review); “Brother” Myke Ladiona (who serves as sound engineer supreme, again!); and, joining them via satellite, “Cardinal” Robert Bexar II (Divine’s nerd-rival) and newly-wed “Reverend” Ryan Ford (who enjoys cheese O.J. drama with a case of Miller).
In addition to analyzing our love for the top, hear us crack on shows that sucked or were heavily disappointing. Of course, we also forecast our hot-shot new series for 2016 — from geek to music to comedy to drama. We got you covered.
Got an issue with our choices? Did we miss a show for 2016? Then let us know on the Twit-twit @GodHatesGeeks, fooooooooooosss!!!