What a long and winding road it has been for GodHatesGeeks, geeeeeeeeks!

What started out as a “Solo” geek blog has grown over the past eight years to a full blown blogazine that has seen a Clone Trooper army worth of writers, podcasters and an all-around buckethead-kicking group of awesome personalities.
We brought order to the Republic last night, just in time for everyone’s favorite Star Wars fan holiday and a look back at our favorite moments with GHG, best Comic-Con stories, what we love most about that franchise with the lightsabers and wookies, and what other nerd franchises we love best– since, you know, almost everyone picked.. that one that’s celebrating its best movie’s 40th Anniversary this year…
We could only ever be so lucky. Cheers to all of our amazing followers who’ve joined the Clergy of Cool on this momentous journey, and with that, I give you GHG’s 8th Anniversary Zoomcast (in the YouTube video just above). And as always, May the Fourth be with you all!
-Robert Bexar and Travis Moody