- SHUTTER #1 – One thing is for certain: This is a truly beautiful book. Owen Gieni (Manifest Destiny) on colors, Leila Del Duca (Deadskins) on art, and Ed Brisson (Sheltered) on letters sure know how to make things pretty. And Joe Keatinge (Glory) is just doing work above most others these days. So what is this? Yet another in a long line of crazy wonderful Image Comics, with flourishes of Indiana Jones and Jonny Quest — all through the eyes of a young girl trying to find her place in the world. Bull-men. Ghost Ninjas. Tik-Tok from Oz. And sometimes that place involves a world that is all future and craziness and everything one would expect from the Image or Wildstorm Comics of old. The Top Tens, the Astro Citys. This could be another one of those, but it ended so quickly. It was damn near over before it began. The good news? I want more. I really do. That doesn’t happen as much these days. 4.75/5.

And from Lance Paul…
- DEAD LETTERS #1 – I didn’t think Boom! could outdo themselves again after the award winning HIT, but here comes yet another dreamy creator-controlled franchise. Christopher Sebela (Captain Marvel, Screamland) and Chris Visions (Devils on the Levee) are just the creators for the job. Dead Letters is just the kind of book you find by chance and lose your self in it. With the abilities of Jason Bourne, amnesiac Sam finds himself in an over-the-top toontastic take on a chase and gangster run. And through the artistic talents of Chris and the palette of Ruth Redmond (Revolutionary Road), their combined imagination make Letters simply another must Boom-Biddy-buy-buy. 4.5/5.