With the past two events out of the way, Metal and No Justice, the Muliverse is left dying. The Justice League, presently are dealing with a crisis headed by an old adversary.
Further, the League’s actions are being coordinated via mental link, by the Martian Manhunter. As they come to find out, their adversary is enacting a plan against an oncoming energy toward Earth which could evolve the multiverse or end it. Just as a Legion marks their return to fan the flames for their own gain.
As a fan of Scott Snyder‘s run on New 52 Batman, I was curious on how he’ll handle the other Leaguers. The primary character of this first part was Martian Manhunter and it was handled with grace. Snyder and Jim Cheung set a calm tone with a slow pace that kept me on edge as Martian Manhunter revisited a past that was lost and a present which might suffer the same fate.
The mystery Snyder is setting up creates a fine balance of the monumental and the intimate. A choice has to be made, but what is the right choice? 4/5 Bibles.
-Matt Garza