MAN OF STEEL [Podcast]: It’s a Love/Hate Affair…

but, either way, there’s no doubting that this Superman film put the “Action” back into Action Comics.

There were several issues both critics and (surprisingly, some) fans had with the Man of Steel, which opened nationwide in theaters last week. In this follow-up podcast to our E3 Wrap-Up Edition, the God Hates Geeks panel attempts to make sense of the whiney issues (“too violent,” “too Sci-Fi,” “too long,” etc.), kisses some major Superman ass, and tries to find a place for this flick along the likes of other superhero/comic book-based films.

Or at least The Christian, Reverend Rivera, Monsignor Moody, and myself, King Getsbusy, eat lots of nachos, create horrendous hashtags, and make completely fools out of ourselves.

It’s the GHG, baby!


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Here’s a direct link to the podcast, for all those using their smartphone or who want to download.

It’s not an S.