“The Pastor” Shawn Puff: Well, new year, new me. Like a Phoenix, I will rise from the ashes into a new birth and … I’m just playing. No new me. I’m awesome. But, it is time for TakeOver: Phoenix and another installment of The Sean & Shawn Show!! So let’s burn one down!!!
“Father Sean Farrell: I can’t think of a snappy intro — it’s too early in the year for me to be clever. Nothing to it but to do it my brother from another mother! TakeOver: Phoenix (aaaaah I get your joke now) is upon us !

Shawn: Ohno, not this again. I guess it makes sense to give the King of Bros an actual fued to get him started but against Chris Hero Sandwich? And making it this long? And putting Ohno over on Keith Lee in the process? Please just stop. I guess at least we get to see Riddle on the card and hopefully in a match that lasts longer than 7 seconds. I hope he gives us a show this time.
PREDICTION: The Super King of Bros gets another victory and ends this ridiculous fued.
Sean: Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro. Bro ? Bro . Bro ? Bro ? Hero ? Bro. Bro……. Bro.

Ricochet (C) v. Johnny Gargano
Shawn: This match will be the match of the weekend. I can’t wait for it. The only thing that would make it better would be if Velveteen Dream were in it. … Oh and if Gargano was out of it. Or at least his theme music got lost in transit so he came out to something else. God, I hate that music. But seriously, Gargano can go and I really do want to like him. I’ll like him in the ring in this one. I promise you it will be the match of the night and probably the match of the weekend.
PREDICTION: Oh yeah, and Gargano is gonna get some help from his “friend” Tommaso Ciampa and walk out of Phoenix with the North American Championship.
Sean: I am pumped! It’s always a show when Ricochet hits the ring. I think it’s time to take the belt off of him. He’s done nothing with it, and it needs to move around a bit, much like Ricochet does. Unlike Shawn, I enjoy Johnny. I enjoy that the NXT Universe is getting to see the heel side of JG. I do like that, so far, his heel tactics seem to be rooted in all the things Tomasso did to him that Johnny is doing unto others now.
PREDICTION: I see Johnny capturing gold. Although he’s been in more TakeOvers than anyone else; his win/loss record is terrible at them. Let’s buck that trend, shall we?

Undisputer Era (C) v. The War Raiders
Shawn: OK. I might be in the minority here not being super excited about this match. That being said, when this is the “throw away” match on your show, you can’t really complain right?
PREDICTION: The Undisputed Era isn’t ready to go up just yet, so why take the belts off of them? Just let them keep doing their thing. UE for the W.
Sean: I’m kinda over TUE. I’m tired of Kyle’s pretending to rock out with the belt. I’m tired of Strong’s third wheel gimmick to reDRag…. UE. I dig the big guy’s so…
PREDICTION: War Raiders crush these two. Knocking some sense into Roderick and have him go solo again. That’d work for me.

Shayna Bazler (C) v. Bianca Belair
Shawn: I’m not sure how I feel about Bianca Belair. The black man in me says to support her. But the rational side of me says she’s just not that good. Yes she is undefeated. Yes she has charisma. No, I don’t think she’s ready to carry this division on her back just yet. I also, fully expect to see Jessamyn Duke & Marina Shafir get involved in this. Maybe that means we’ll be graced with the presence of Kairi Sane & Io Sharai as well. I’ll drink to that.
PREDICTION: Shayna Bazler is gonna get a little help from her friends to make sure she keeps the title here. I’m not sure if it means a face turn for the EST of NXT but that could be what we see this weekend.
Sean: I enjoy a match that can legit go either way. On one hand BB has been improving every time she’s in the ring, this being her biggest test to date. If she gets the belt it will freshen up the Women’s division. It also frees up Shayna to move to the main roster and get involved with her bestie Rhonda. Wouldn’t shock me to see Shayna enter the women’s Rumble either.
PREDICTION: “Tonight all the belts change hands!”

Tommaso Ciampa (C) v. Aleister Black
Shawn: Gargano and Ciampa are going to be the story this weekend right? It’s past due time that Black makes his debut on the main roster and this is going to be his swan song. There really isn’t anything to gain from having him regain the title so why do it? On the other side of the aisle, reuniting D.I.Y. as a heel group but not as a tag team with BOTH the belts would be pretty cool. Especially if it means that we don’t have to hear “Rebel Heart” anymore.
PREDICTION: Ciampa has been helping his buddy out a lot lately and it’s about time Little Johnny Wrestling repays the favor. I expect this one to get downright dirty, but at the end of the day, we’re gonna see Gargano coming to his friends aid despite the wishes and much to the chagrin of Candice Larae, and D.I.Y. will stand united again holding both title belts high as TakeOver goes off the air.
Sean: I don’t care who wins. We win. I love both these guys and I’m just going to sit back and enjoy this from Bell to Bell.
PREDICTION: NXT’s streak of stellar Takeovers continues.
-Shawn Puff and Sean Farrell